Membership Fees

Individual - $10
Family - $20

Join our club!

Non-members may launch for free at two of our launches. After that, a limited membership costing $5 will be required.

About Us

We have been in existence since 2000. From 2000 to 2007 we were the Fermilab Association of Rocketry. In 2008 we changed our name to Prairie State Rocketry. Our current launch site is a farm in Dekalb, IL.

Upcoming Launch

February 15th
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Waterman, Illinois

Map to the site     Local weather --->

Weather permitting, our launches are the second Saturday of each month.

Latest launch update

After discussions between our club officers we have made the decision to cancel our May launch.
Along with the stay at home order from the Governor and other restrictions put in place by the Governor. We do not feel we can comfortably meet all the restrictions put in place. So we came to this difficult decision, we decided we did not want risk anyone’s health for a few hours of launching rockets.
All of the officers regret cancelling the launch. We all want to be out flying rockets and having fun as soon as possible but the health risk are just to great at this time.

Stay Safe,
Dennis McAuliff
Prairie State Rocketry – President

Published: April 28, 2020 | Comments: 0

Upcoming Launches update

Due to COVID19 we have canceled our scheduled April launch. This is based on NAR telling all sections to cancel or postpone all April launches until April 16th. Our club officers have made the decision to cancel any launches for April. As of right now we have a launch scheduled for May 9th, but consider this date as tentative. We will continue to follow all recommendations from NAR concerning all future launches.

Dennis McAuliff
Prairie State Rocketry – President

Published: March 29, 2020 | Comments: 0

NAR update on COVID19

Update on COVID-19 for National Association of Rocketry Recently, the recommendations from the Whitehouse and CDC on minimizing the risk and spread of COVID-19 have been updated to ask that all “Avoid social gatherings in groups of 10 people.” This recommendation is pretty clear and should be followed by all to help slow down and stop this rapidly growing health concern. Based on the recommendation of the President and CDC, as the President of the NAR Board, I am instituting the following policy to take effect immediately and be in effect for a minimum of 15 days (March 17 -April 1, 2020): 

  1. All NAR Sections shall postpone or cancel Section launches, meetings, and other group activities during this period.
  2. There should be no organized launches, meetings, and other group activities of 10 or more persons during this period.

I will send an update on the policy on or before April 1. I ask that all members please adhere to the intent and spirit of this policy and help to protect all who would be attending a launch from the possible infection of this virus. TARC launches have been suspended indefinitely by AIA and the NAR, so there will not be any TARC teams needing our help with qualification flights. I understand this is a potential hardship for some, but the desire to fly rockets in large groups does not supersede the potential risk of infecting someone attending a NAR launch. Thank you and please be safe! John N. HochheimerPresidentNational Association of Rocketry

Published: March 18, 2020 | Comments: 0

First launch of 2020

Our first launch of 2020 is scheduled for March 14th at the Walter farm in DeKalb, Il. it will be from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. This will be a Hi-Power launch with a waiver for 5,000′ AGL

Published: March 2, 2020 | Comments: 0

Upcoming Meetings

For the next 3 months we will be having meetings at the 95th Street Library in Naperville, IL. the street address is 3015 Cedar Glade Dr.

All of the meetings will be from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm in Meeting Room “C”. On the following Dates:

December 7th, January 11th, and February 8th

We will be setting up our flying schedule shortly and our first launch will be sometime in March, 2020.

Thank you, to everyone who attended launches this year, and hope to see all of you at our meetings, and at our launches in 2020.

Published: November 21, 2019 | Comments: 0